Monday, December 12, 2011

Geologic Time

              The Triassic period was named in 1834. The orignal name was trias. This period started 248 million years ago and finished 213 million years. This period was the beginning of the Mesozoic Era and it was in Phanerozoic Eon. This period was ages of reptile. This is the largest period of extinction. The most of the species and genera died during this period. The Triassic's climate was generally hot and dry with strong changing. During this period all the lands was located together (Pangaea). The Pangaea start began to move apart in the mid-Triassic.

1.  What did you enjoy most about this project?
     This project was great as miss Kara give us chance to work independently and give us enough time to finish it with Extra Credit and I also enjoy making Glog and researching the picture of the organism livings during Triassic period. It was incredible to think about those ancient organism which were once alive in this world.
2.  What was most challenging about this project? Why?
     The most challenging part of this project was that we had to make Reference and it was hard to write information about every single web were we find our Data of the project. And I also feel little hard about finding information since there was different information on different websites. So it was hard to decide about which one to choose. because we always try to gave specific information and we have no idea about which information could be correct about our period but by Ms. Kara's help I got perfect information.
3.  What would you change about this project and Why?
     Some thing I would like to change about this project is to let every body choose which period they want to (Interesting period for them) work on and I would gave more time to work on this project that the students can learn more about their period (about this project).
4.  What are 3 things that you learned from this project?
    I learn lot of things about Earth history especially about earliest life on Earth.
  • How mountains formed.
  •  How animals moved from water to land.
  • Which generation exist during what time and which species and genera was died during that period.
  • When was dinosaurs existed. 
  • We determine lot of vocabulary and most interesting facts about earth history.  

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Stars

1.. What is a star?
    Stars are big balls of hot gases. Stars are made of dust and gas in a giant cloud called Stellar nebula. Some of the Stars are bigger and some of them are smaller. The bigger are more bigger then and also more brighter then our sun but Stars look smaller to us just because they are to far away from us. Stars are found in different color and size. The Stars can be in blue,white orang,red and yellow color and Stars also have different temperature and luminosity brighter are hot and dims are cold. The spectral class is bassed on Stars temperature and color. The blue Stars are hot and the red Stars are cold.

2.. Type of stars
     There are four (4) type of Star.
  • Super giants are huge, hot and bright Stars.
  • Giants are kind of bright and cold Stars.
  • White dwarfs are old and smalls Stars these Stars are also kind of hot and dim.
  •  Main sequence Stars can have different color, temperature, size, and different luminosity. Because their spectral class changes. Main sequence stars are middle ages star so they medium 
    Stars are also classified by their color temperature, luminosity, size, and their ages.

3.. H-R Diagram
     H-R Diagram basically stand for Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram. Astronomer used H-R Diagram to classified Stars according to their characteristic (color, size, temperature, luminosity).
4.. Nuclear Fusion
     The Stars can get smaller because of gravity (cloud shrink) as they shrink the Stars become hotter much as possible then the nuclear reaction start in the middle of it then a star born. Nuclear Fusion change Hydrogen (H) in to Helium (He) inside of the star. That's how star make energy.

5.. The life cycle of a Star
     All Stars has their own different life but all cycle Star were created in huge cloud called Stellar nebula.
There are like three (3) types of stars.
  • Sun like stars it Start in Stellar Nebula after this it become Red Giants. Then it explode in huge cloud called Planetary Nebula. Then it become White Dwarf after star turn dim and begin cold it become Black Dwarf.
  • Huge Stars and Giant Stars are also created in Stellar nebula. Then it become Super Giants after that both of these explode into a big cloud Supernova.
  • The Huge Stars become Neutron Stars.
  • Giants Stars become Black Hole. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Planet Profile: Uranus

Planet order: 7 from the sun
Distance from the sun: 2.869 millon km
Mass: 14.537 kg
Diameter: 51,800 km
Rotation: 14hr 14 min
Revolution: 84.o year
# of moons: 27
Planet description:
                   Uranus is the seventh(7) planet from the sun and was discovered in 1781. It is a large gaseous planet with 27 moon and a system of thin, dark ring. most os the rings of uranus are less than 10 km across.
Interesting facts:
                   Uranus is the most coolest planet.
                   The axes of rotation of the other planet.
                   Uranus is the first discovered in the modren time.
                   Large gaseous planet with rings that vary in thickness.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hurricane Irene


1. What time of the year do hurricanes occur? Why do they only happen during that time?
  • Hurricane mostly occur/happen in summer because in that time water level/temperature would be high in the ocean. 
2. How can the timing of the tides (high or low) effect the devastation of a hurricane?
  • The tides effect the devastation of a hurricane more and more because on that time the river, lake, ocean overflows faster.
3. If an area is fully saturated, will a hurricane have more or less impact on an area?
  • The saturated have more impact on area because the ground will be already wet so water will start taking trees down. (If ground were already wet the water can easily start devastating by itself). 
4. How does groundwater saturation affect rivers and streams?
  • The groundwater saturation affects rivers and streams because all the water goes into river which make rivers water level high it cause flooding.

1. What is something that you liked about this Mini-Project?
  • The most interesting part of this mini-project is that we received lot of knowledge about hurricane, flooding, ocean, earth, moon, and sun. And I also like about this project is that we obtain lot of information in less time.
2. What was difficult for you on this project?
  • That I determine lot of information about Hurricane Irene. 
3. What would you change about your work on this project?
  • I will be more specific about all these question effects and all other information that I have in this project.
4. How did this project help you learn about Hurricane Irene?
  • This project provide me lot of information how hurricane happen when it happen. And I learn about how river, oceans overflow about flooding. And the main thing I learn is I gained lot of vocabulary.