Monday, April 2, 2012

Shaking Our World

Plate Tectonic


The theory of plate tectonic is when the earth’s crust is broken into plates sections that pieces moves on top of the liquid mantle asthenosphere.This is also known as Theory of plate Tectonic. The Tectonic plates moves because of the rising and falling Convection Currents. Convection Current of hot and cold fluid going in a circular motion (the movement of the heat under crust as the heat move under crust it force plates to move away from other plates or to come toward it). The causes of the Tectonic plate as the plates move away the new Rift valley and Ridges formed  and when the plates move toward each other it create Volcanoes, Mountains. Plates in our planet moves because of the intense in the earth’s core that causes molten  rock in the mantle layer to move. This is called the convection currents.

Earth’s Interior
  •            Lithosphere: Solid part of the Earth
  •          Hydrosphere: liquid part of the Earth
  •          Atmosphere:  Gases – Air 
  •          Crust:  Solid thin outer layer of the Earth (There are two type of crust)
  •          Oceanic Crust: Crust below the ocean
  •          Continental Crust: The thick part of the earth’s crust that forms the large land masses
  •          Mantle: Thick layer of the  earth below the cust (Made up of Molten Rock)
  •          Asthenosphere: The lower layer of the crust
  •          Density: The amount per unit size
  •          Inner Core: Solid layer made up of Iron and Nickel (Hottest spot of the Earth)
  •          Outer Core: Out part of the earth which contain liquid
Text Box: Lithosphere                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
Text Box: HydrosphereDescription:  

Earth has six core from inside to outside it is surrounded by Thick rocky Mantle and top with the thin Crust. The liquid Ocean make up the Hydrosphere. The rocky upper layer of the earth that makes up the plates is Lithosphere. Above the earth surface is Atmosphere. Earth center is extremely hot its temperature is same as sun surface it called Inner core. The liquid part of earth is Outer core. The Asthenosphere is the upper layer of the earth’s mantle with convection currents (which the plates slide). 
The fractures (a break) in the earth’s crust.
Description: Box: 1. Normal Faults:

 Rock move down

2. Reverse/Thrust Faults:

Rocks move upward

3. Strike-slip:
Rockslide one and
other move in opposite direction

Faults form when rock is put under so much stress that it can no longer bend but break. Plates slide past one another moving in opposite direction. There are three types of Faults.

          Rock move down
          Rock move down
Strike slip:
          Rock slide past one another in opposite direction

Text Box: Plate Tectonic

Description: Box: Theory of Plate Tectonic: Theory that earth’s crust is broken into plates that float on the part of the mantle (Earth broken up into pieces and they move)

Tectonic Plates: Large solid piece of earth’s surface

Convection Currents: Movement of the gas or liquid caused by changes in temperature

The earth’s crust is broken into plates that float on the part of the Mantle this is also known as Theory of Plate Tectonic. The Tectonic Plates move because of raising and falling Convection Currents in the mantle it cause the slow movements in the plates. The plates move away from each other or toward each other.

Critical Thinking Question:
                                                 I agree with the theory of plate’s tectonics that the plates are divided into section (Broken into pieces).  Many evidence proved this theory such as Earthquake, Volcano’s & Mountain’s formation. The movement of these plate’s cause earthquake and the volcanoes also form when plates move on top of mantle and it allow magma to come out & and when these broken plate section move toward each other more dense plate go under and one toward sky creating mountains.

1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?

One thing that I enjoyed was organizing all work for presentation and editing video (Narrative Video)

2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?

The most challenging during this project probably time management, because since we began our internship, we had less time to work on our project at school, and we was required to finish many thing at home.

3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?                                                                                                                                       I learn time management and it helped me to finish my work on time.
4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.                                                     Yes there are plenty of things I can improve such as Presentation and making my project more interesting. I had less time to finish this project I tried to finish soon as I can so I didn’t want how I did it because I was running out of time.