Saturday, February 4, 2012

Rotation & Revolution

Native Language

Earth Axis

An imaginary straight line passing through the center of the earth (also known as South pole & North pole).

A bright star located in North it also known as Northern star, Earth axis always point at it.

Earth Tilt
Earth axis doesn’t go straight its tilted 23.5 Degrees.

Earth Equator/
 خط استوا
The line divides Earth into 2 Sphere.
Earth has Two Hemisphere The Northern and The Southern.

Earth Rotation
The earth spin on it axis toward to the east and it takes 24 hours or 1 day to the single completion. 

Time Zone
 ٹائم زون
Any of the 24 regions of the globe. Time Zones are divided by the lines of longitude. 

To travel in a curved path around a larger object such as Earth, sun, etc.
The path earth takes to revolve around sun is shape of Ellipse.

Earth Revolution
The movement of earth
around the sun. Earth takes
356 days or 1 year to the single
completion of an Orbit/Ellipse.

                Earth Rotate on it Axis towards to the east once in 24 Hours. Earth axis is Tilted 23.5 degrees Earth axis always point to the Northern Star Polaris. The Equator is a line that divides the earth into two Hemispheres the Northern & the Southern. The earth Revolves around the sun in an Elliptical Orbit. Earth takes approximately 365 days or 1 year to the single completion of an Orbit/Ellipse.

Critical Thinking Question:
                                        The earth is affected by its movement. Earth has two types of motion Rotation & Revolution. Earth Rotates on its Axis as it Revolve around the sun the rotation takes 24 hours & 365 days to the single completion of an Orbit/Ellipse.The distance between sun and earth changes because the earth Revolves in an Elliptical shape as the earth revolves its get closer and further away from the sun it causes the Seasons & Tide & as earth rotate it causes Day & Night. When earth axis point to sun and get Direct sunlight its summer and when earth axis point away from the sun and get indirect sunlight its winter but when the sun light hit the Equator its Spring/Autumn. When Earth, Sun & Moon are at the Right angle it causes Neap Tide and when they are at straight line it causes Spring Tide.

1.  What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
      I most enjoyed recording video one of the best thing in this project was editing video & that we was allow to put Instrumental of any music in the video.
2.  What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
      I think most challenging part was to organizing the video and time we had lot of work to do in less time time and also filming the video was another challenge because that time there was only two people me and Ibrahim and I was hard to speak and moving picture at the same time.
3.  What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
      I got to know how to use imovie, I learned lot of new things such as how this universe goes and I improved collaboration & speaking skills.
4.  Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
      If I were have any extra time I would Hook Up my video with many more funny & important Details.


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